Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 40- Another Candle on the Cake

It's a change we cannot avoid..a change that happens every year... and change that I L-O-V-E!!!


Yes, I am one of those people that counts down to their birthday...and I celebrate my half birthday too! I LOVE birthdays..not just my own. I love making that person feel special.. after all, it IS their special day!! It's something that my mom did for me..and that I do for my kids...making their birthdays a BIG DEAL... 'cause that what they are! :)

I don't care what the number is... I don't care that I have closer to 35 than to 25... all I care about is that I have another year to love, to laugh and to spend with my loves ones!!

Bring on the cake!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 39- Address Change

All the planning and packing and preparing and patience (looks like this post is brought to you by the letter P) have paid off and we finally have moved!!!

I have moved before...and it's not an experience that I love...I dislike it with every part of my being. I stress out...I cry...I freak...I even yell... it's very hard to have your world rocked like that. Especially when you're attempting to keep some everyday order going too... just becuase you're moving, doesn't mean that life still need to shop for groceries, wash clothes, get the kids to school, shower..brush your teeth...etc. I wish there was a pause button, where I could focus JUST on the move..and then restart life when the last piece of tape seals the last box. But sadly, that cannot be...and for a few weeks, my life is like a snow globe with all my life's bits and pieces swirling around me while I try to shove them into boxes...sigh...

BUT...the happy news is that it's done.. NO, we are not 100% unpacked and I don't think we will be by Thanksgiving, BUT..beds are in places, dishes are unpacked and the laundry have re-piled, LIFE is back on...just in a new location.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 38-A Change on the INSIDE

I have been feeling a change on the "inside" of me... in my my soul.
I have always considered myself a Christ follower...attending church regularly, doing good, loving others... but recently I have began to feel different... as if I have "grown more" in my Christian life. And this song is what my "heart" sings: